Tuesday, September 17, 2013

5 for Five . . Only a day late

I have been so awful at keeping up with this lately!!  I will set goals for a week....but then not only will I not succeed, but I won't even write that I had failed.  Well, No More!  I've gotta get on track - and you are going to help me!

Goals for this Week:

1. Go to the gym at least 4 days.  This gives me ONE free day during the work week that I can either blow it off, or exceed my goal and make it 5 days at the gym!

2. Drink a minimum of 6 glasses of water per day.  I want to drink 8, but if setting my goal at only 6 helps me get through this week successfully, then so be it.

3. Get caught up on dishes & laundry . . . again.  For a few couple weeks I was on a roll and neither of these got out of hand.  But now my house feels trashed again and I've got to get back on the band wagon.

4. Finish my latest craft project - then blog about my fall decorations.  I just put them up on Sunday and am pretty excited.  A few of them are new, most are making a comeback from the last couple years.

5. Clean up and organize office.  My craft/music/office room is a little bit out of control and needs some help...

What are your goals for this week?  Link up with Party of One!

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