Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hope.  It's the thing that keeps people going when their hearts are broken, when it feels like there is no good left in life, when they can't find the light at the end of the tunnel.  Hope brings light into what can be a very dark existence for many people.  It can be our lifeline.

This weekend I had the privilege of photographing a beautiful little girl.  She is a fighter and represents how far a little hope can go.

What a sweet little girl and only a week old!  I was excited to be able to do a "fall" theme and her little butterfly wings were adorable.

The next couple of weeks are going to be hectic as we get ready to move into a new house . . . I will try to post along the way, though! 


  1. What an adorable wee girl, and congrats on the new house!

  2. What a beauty she did a wonderful job! Good luck with the move and congratulations!

  3. Really darling, thank you for linking up this week!


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