Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Social

Once again - my bloggin' presence has been scare this week.  I am taking a quick break before wrapping up what will probably be a 65 hour week (Yes - those 65 hours have all been spent actually working, at my desk - not to mention my 45 minute drive each way).  My husband has been wonderful this week helping around the house, though - more of that to come :)

Sunday Social

1. What is the best Valentine's Day you've ever had? I am lucky to be with someone who is very thoughtful and sentimental and always makes Valentine's Day pretty special.  A couple of years ago we went to a wonderful dinner at a local German restaurant, followed by a hotel stay in the city.  He also has sent me flowers at work - which completely made up for having to be there.

2. What is the worst Valentine's Day you've ever had?  I don't think I've ever really had a bad one - maybe just uneventful.

3.What did you do for Valentine's Day this year?  Tristan got up and made breakfast before I had to go to work - huge, gooey cinnamon rolls! He also made me laugh with a sweet card and a bag of yummy chocolates (we promised nothing big this year).  He ALSO came and met me after work for dinner at Outback Steakhouse - their "Bloomin' Onion"s are to DIE FOR (and so NOT good for you!!).
4. What is your best Valentine's idea if you are single? Either stay in and cook yourself a yummy dinner, while curled up in a blanket and watching a movie - or go out with friends.

5. What is your favorite Valentine's candy? Candy. Lol - I'm not too picky.  But the white chocolate truffles I got this year are pretty amazing.

6. Favorite Valentine's memory from your childhood? Mom would always have little gifts for us in the morning before we went off to school - and then we would get Valentine's balloons sent to us at school.

Come link up at Sunday Social with Ashley!!

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1 comment:

  1. Awww, your husband sounds like the sweetest man ever!! And yes, I LOVE Outback's Bloomin' Onions - DELICIOUS!!! Glad to hear you had an amazing Valentine's Day! :)

    <3 Amanda,


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