Monday, September 23, 2013

Blogging with a Purpose: A Letter to my 16 Year Old Self

Dear 16 Year Old Kaeley,

If you knew what your life is going to look like 10 years from now, I don't think that you would believe it.  It hasn't turned out quite the way you thought it would, but don't think that is a bad thing.  You have a wonderful man who loves you, and have met some amazing friends (once you learned to open up a bit and just be yourself).

You know what would have made your life much easier?  Just ignoring the opinions of others.  Don't be afraid of doing things because you want to, it is your life to live, not the people's who surround you.  It is okay to be selfish sometimes.  Stand up for yourself.  Be strong.

Take time to enjoy being young.  Do stupid things, act your age.  Being an "adult" is great, but you shouldn't be in a rush to get there.  When you do get there, you will wonder how you got there so quickly, wonder where the time went, wish you hadn't missed out on some of the experiences of high school.

Don't ignore the things you feel drawn to - especially photography.  You will wish you had spent more time studying the things that you are truly interested in.  You may have an opportunity one day to do something great with it!

Follow your heart.  If you do nothing else, follow your heart.  It will never let you down.

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  1. Excellent advice!!! And you are still pretty can still follow all those suggestion. :)

  2. I was just going to say the above comment as well! xx

  3. I was just going to say the above comment as well! xx

  4. Great post. Stopping over from 52 weeks of blogging! :)


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