Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Shameless Marketing

Does anyone else ever feel a little bit guilty or "self-possessed" when trying to promote yourself?  I sure do.  On the one hand, I want to promote my "brand" - whether that be my photography services, prints, or even just what I have to say.  But then at the same time I feel bad for bothering my loyal followers, friends and family.

That being said - I REALLY want to get my Etsy store off the ground.  It has been 2 1/2 weeks since it opened and I have yet to sell any prints :(  While I am trying to not get too disappointed, it can be frustrating.

Here is a sample of a couple of the prints that are available at Seashore Photography:

If you don't mind - please share my new shop with your friends...and if you ever want me to, I will return the favor!!  Clicking on the icon below should take you directly to the main page of my shop:

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