Monday, October 28, 2013

Cars, Pumpkins. and Toes

What do cars, pumpkins and toes all have in common?  They all had a part in my weekend.

Friday I had a day off from work.  The afternoon was supposed to be spent doing engagement and family photos for a local family - which I was really looking forward to - but one of their kids got sent home from morning kindergarten so we had to reschedule.  My afternoon turned into making pumpkin bars, cleaning the house, and doing laundry.

*More of these yummy treats, later in the week!*

I also met a friend Friday night for a girls night - meaning pedicures and a trip to the craft store!

Saturday we had plans to go to the pumpkin patch, and go look at a car that we were thinking about getting.  We ended up making a quick trip to the pumpkin patch and just picked a few pumpkins from their pre-picked lot.  I usually enjoy going on the hay ride out to the field, but Tristan thought we looked "weird . . . two grown adults going to the pumpkin patch without any kids" - which is fine, I don't really care if people thought it was weird.  But I had already gone out to the field for the family pictures I took a few weeks ago, so I was fine with this option - I still got a few pictures :)

Before meeting the guy to check out the car, we grabbed a yummy lunch at The "Cow" Deli {it's real name is the Country Folks Deli . . . but everyone I know refers to it as the Cow Deli}

We also ended up driving home with a new car!  Well, new to us.  We bought a 1992 Isuzu Rodeo as our weekend warrior.  Tristan will be taking it out to go "crawling" with his RC buddies, while I will take my turn as well to go to photo shoots.  It's an older car, but I have wanted one since before I had a drivers license and even though it's a rougher ride than my car, it's pretty fun to drive.

*I have a feeling we might be flipping a coin to see who gets to drive "Rosie" some weekends*

Tristan got this eye-roll via txt at some point Saturday . . . I can't remember why, though :)

And I finished off the day with a version of hard cider, some football, getting several blog posts ready to go for this week, and changing out some of my 8x10 photos on my gallery walls with newly-printed ones!

 I want to give a quick thank you to Jenn from Party of One for this one - she was my inspiration and I am so glad that I saw her post last week!!

Sunday was spent behind my lens, again!  Unfortunately my first family had to reschedule because the weather was really scetchy through the morning.  But I was able to meet with one of my friends, her husband and his son.  They were so much fun!

I also met some volunteers for a special project that I'm working . . . but I'm not ready to disclose the details yet :)

Besides all this, I got a bunch of blogging done!  I already have posts scheduled through Friday - which is a major feat for me!!

How was your weekend spent? There's lots of great weekend-related link-ups out there, so check the bottom of my page for some ideas!
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  1. There is no need to feel silly going through a pumpkin patch or doing a hay ride with no kids! That is fun for all ages!

  2. That was a nice and fun-filled weekend you had there! And I bet you're going to have a lot more fun weekends now that Rosie is with you. It's nice to know that you now owned the car you've wanted for a long time. Take good care of her, especially when you're thinking of taking her in long trips. Always checking her condition and needs will ensure that you're going to enjoy the ride for long. Here's to more fun weekends!
    Basil @ Lexus of Lansing


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