Sunday, October 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Yesterday was one of my good friend's baby shower - I love watching people open baby gifts! Especially for girls . . . they are so much fun! *This is also one of four friends I have who are having babies in the next couple months, and one of at least eight people I know who are due in that same time*

I can't get enough of the fall leaves!

Umm...when my pumpkin milkshake is all gone - yeah, that's a problem in my book.

Still, quiet waters of the river early in the morning.

Yes - they were having fun.  And so was I.  This family is a lot of fun to photograph.

If you are interested in guest posting on My Mind's Lens - the GUEST POST TUESDAY slot for this week (Oct. 22nd) is available! Or . . . if you want to participate but don't have time between now and then, let me know and I can give you a choice of other available dates. Just send me an email at
kaeley *dot* a *dot* mull *at* gmail *dot* com
and let me know that you are interested! Please include your name and the URL for your blog.

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  1. i always enjoy your post b/c i know some where in them will be great yet awesome pics.

  2. Fun set.
    Loved the Leafy shot, what a great angle. I agree about just not getting enough of the fall leaves, they are so pretty.
    Pumpkin shakes are delicious.
    Your Good Day shot is such a happy photo.

  3. Hello! I am visiting from Scavenger Hunt Sunday and I've enjoyed my visit here. These are lovely sets of photos and I am looking forward to see more.

    Have a great week!

    Scudds xx

  4. Love your SH pics, but especially the leaves!!!!!


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