Wednesday, October 9, 2013

B&W Wednesday {Bucket List Update}

I have been looking forward to photographing these sweet girls for over a year, now. When they were first born I was hoping to do their newborn photos, but another photographer beat me to it and offered them a free session. So - when their first birthday started approaching, I made sure that I was first in line. Not only was I excited to finally take some pictures of a set of twins (one of the items on my 2013 Bucket List), but my husband and I are really good friends with their parents so it was extra special to me to have this opportunity.


1. Sunset at Seaside {The Coast}
2. Twin babies
3. Las Vegas Strip
4. A beautiful waterfall (other than Multnomah Falls)
5. 1st birthday session
6. Downtown Seattle/Puget Sound
7. Timberline Lodge
8. City lights at night
9. A cactus
10. An engagement session
11. An extravagant themed photo
12. My new nephew
13. Jumping shot
14. A pier
15. Street photography
16. A series of old cars
17. A series of vintage signs
18. Golden Gate Bridge
19. Generations
20. Music

As they get older, it is getting a little easier to tell these girls apart.  They definitely each have their own, unique personalities.  I'm looking forward to watching them continue to grow - and hopefully to more photo shoots!

Meet Cathy:

My name is Cathy and I am the owner and author of A Peek Into My Paradise. My first post was live in September of 2012 and what began as a simple vehicle to share has grown into a passion! There has been a new post at A Peek Into My Paradise every day since. Yes, I love sharing my recipes, crafts I have made, tips of life such as DIY, organizing, honestly whatever moves me. I invite you to visit A Peek Into My Paradise and if you like what you see I would love for you to be a friendly stalker! Leave me a comment if you're a new follower - we bloggers love comments - if you are a blogger I will visit you too!

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  1. What a couple of sweet!

  2. what fun! I love the one where they are both holding up the long strands of pearls. Well done.

  3. Aww, the idea of having them play in all those goodies is so creative and cute. :)

  4. Sweet photos. Visiting from Black and White Wednesdays.

  5. These babies are cute, and the chalkboards are adorable. Thanks for linking up !!!

  6. They are so adorable! Great captures of Chloe and Kinsley.


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