Monday, August 19, 2013

Yay for Giveaways - and Thoughts for Pregnant Mommas

I am really loving the new sponsor format over at Today Was a Fairytale! Kelly has inspired me to rethink my own sponsor options, and has given me an opportunity to meet more people! Last week, I had a chance to guest post about my packing habits when it comes to heading out of town, and this week, I am participating in a little giveaway! Make sure you go check out Kelly's blog, as well as the other lovely ladies taking part in the giveaway. This giveaway is also a celebration of Kelley's upcoming birthday, so make sure you tell her 'Happy Birthday' on AUGUST 24TH!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This week's topic for Blogging With a Purpose is "10 Survival Tips to the Expecting Mom"  As mentioned last week, and at other times, we do not have children yet.  However, I do have younger siblings, nieces and a nephew, and lots of friends with kiddos.  So - here are some of the things I have heard.

1. Get all the sleep you can now - soon your little one will be dictating when you get those precious moments of rest.

2. It is okay to ask for help, it does not make you a bad mother.  Everyone gets overwhelmed and exhausted sometimes.  You should never feel alone and knowing when to ask for help is important.

3. Don't worry about knowing when to feed, change, bundle, cuddle your baby....they will let you know what they want and you will quickly develop the instinct to understand them.

4. Get a pedicure when your due date is approaching - that way you have pretty toes when you are in the hospital with your legs up in the air!

 5. Make sure that you take time for yourself.

6. Don't feel guilty about allowing your baby to have a pacifier.  At least someday you can ween them off of it by taking it away.  It is a lot harder to get them to stop sucking their thumb!

7. Follow your heart - if you think something is wrong, go to the doctor.  They see new mommas all the time and will not judge you, even if there is nothing wrong.

8. It will not hurt your baby to cry a little - so if you are in the middle of something don't feel like you have to drop it to hold them.  They may even learn to soothe themselves.

9. Make sure your husband/significant other helps out - take turns getting up at night (unless, of course, it is to breastfeed...unfortunately he can't help you there) and changing diapers.

10. Even if you don't have plans to leave the house, get dressed for the day.  You will feel more like a "normal" person and not a slave to your little one.

To share some of your own tips, link-up your post at From Mrs. to Mama now!

Before I head off to another week of work, I didn't even realize until after I posted it, but Friday's post was #200!! Exciting!

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1 comment:

  1. Great advice and congratulations on 200 posts! You are already closing in one me....I am such a bad blogger!


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